The 7-day Goal Book Challenge: A Goalsetting Challenge
You want to take your life to the next level but don't know where to start.
The 7-day Goal Book Challenge is a 7-day challenge designed to give you a kickstart to your new and better life. A life closer to your dreams and goals.
Ready to get started? Read below to get all the details:
The Rules
Every day for a week you will get a small challenge to your inbox.
Complete the challenge, it should not take you more than 5-10 minutes.
If you miss a day, pick up where you left off. Don’t make up for lost days.
Encourage yourself and enjoy the Goalsetting process.
Think big, don't limit yourself in your old thinking pattern.
All of this is completely free.
How it works
Press the button below to sign up for the challenge.
Complete the task sent to you inbox every day for a week.
Join the Facebook group for accountability and encouragement. You can also tweet or instagram your progress with the hashtag #thegoalbook.
After completing the challenge you will get two free chapters of my life changing book The Goal Book.
Want to challenge your friends to The 7-Day Goal Book Challenge on your blog, website, or via social media. Simply download the image below by right-clicking (or control-clicking on a Mac) to "save as".